Our Commitment
We hope to leverage our sphere of influence to support the national
reconciliation movement.
Our Commitment
Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan
We are pleased to announce Stylecraft’s ongoing commitment to reconciliation through our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). As proud supporters of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures, Stylecraft is committed to conducting business in a manner that reflects our ethical values, striving to reduce negative impacts of our operations and create positive change.
We seek to consistently develop initiatives that will create meaningful change in our community and view our RAP as a highly effective tool to ensure cultural competence and inclusivity is embedded in the way we do business.
Our team appreciates that success takes time and dedication, and believe with the support of Reconciliation Australia, our Reflect RAP will be a valuable foundation to advance meaningful reconciliation.
We value decisions that lead to good practice for the climate and the world we live in.
Our commitment to sustainability begins with an environmentally conscious approach to managing our business. We are transparent with reporting our sustainability practice, and we strive to develop and review our mission every year.
Stylecraft was the first Australian furniture company to become carbon neutral in 2007, and today we continue to reduce our operational emissions and purchase green energy credits. Since 2017, we’ve reduced our carbon emissions by 35%, even as the business has grown.
To help our clients specify furniture for Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA), Greenstar, LEED or WELL rated projects, many of our products hold third-party environmental certifications from Good Environmental Choice of Australia (GECA), Ecospecifier Global Green Tag and AFRDI Green Tick programs. Stylecraft was also accepted as a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, the largest corporate sustainability initiative globally, completing our first Communication on Progress in 2019.
We aim to be transparent with reporting our sustainability practice and strive to develop and review our mission on a yearly basis.
Environmentally certified products
Stylecraft supports a diverse mix of community initiatives, contributing to the everyday life of Australians.
In 2022 we launched the annual First Nations Scholarship in partnership with TAFE NSW to provide opportunity for a student to complete an interior design degree at Enmore TAFE.
Additionally, we are proud to have contributed to a range of charities and foundations including over $300,000 to the Cancer Council through various events, assisting with education, research and the support of cancer sufferers and their families all around the country. We have also recently contributed to the Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation, assisting people in our most marginalised communities to gain vital language, literacy and communication skills.
We are dedicated to continuing our support and to giving back to the community and those in need.
We are a longstanding supporter of Australian design and manufacturing.
Australian Made
Developing and nurturing design talent in Australian is an integral part of Stylecraft’ ethos. Not only are we committed to Australian design and the growth of local talent, we prioritise working with local manufacturers, craftsman, and artisans.
The benefits of Australian design and manufactured products lies in the quality of materials and contributing to our local economy. Our local offering also offers the ability to achieve shorter lead times, high levels of customisation, and the opportunity to work with local designers, and their studios.
In addition to our locally manufactured ranges, a number of products have received the highly trusted and recognised Australian Made Certification, including Canberra based designer Tom Skeehan’s, Skeehan Studio range, and our in house designed Stylecraft range.
Discover our Australian Made products here
Australian Made Products
We recognise our responsibility and opportunity as a business leader to help transform industry practices.
Modern Slavery
Stylecraft voluntarily reports under the Commonwealth Slavery Act 2018. We currently take serious action to detect the risk of Modern Slavery across our business operations and supply chain.
Modern Slavery is an umbrella term used to describe severe exploitation of people for personal or commercial gain and occurs when a person cannot refuse or leave due to threats, coercion, or deception.
Stylecraft prioritises suppliers and manufacturers that have third party certifications. We encourage product transparency and environmental product declarations and certifications that demonstrate a reduction in social and/or environmental impact, and those that ensure social, legal and environmental declaration.